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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Who is Jesus????

What does you Jesus look like? Does He know your pain? Can you depend on Him to be there when everything is falling apart? Can you find Him in Biology? Can you find Him at Cleo, Pike or Umoja? Well, it appears to me that if I were to be totally honest, I don't really know what my Jesus looks like. I don't even know whether He knows my pain or the pieces that need to be brought back together in my life. I don't see Him in Biology nor have I met Him at Cleo, Pike and Umoja.

I guess these are some of the questions I wrestle with as a Christian and I believe this list will be long if I were to consider some of the questions I know some of my Christian friends ask themselves. While it may seem odd that I really don't know this Christ to whom I claim to believe but thats the truth with most of us Christians. The truth is we really don't know who Christ is. Ask an average Christian who Christ is and s/he will give you an answer like, He is my savior, He is the Son of God, or He is a nice guy who happened to have done nice things. Certainly there are not wrong but these sort of answers limits what Jesus is.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is the person you see in the mirror when you wake up in the morning and if you have doubts about that person you see in the mirror then you ought to question why. Jesus is the faces of all those people you see at Cleo, Pike and Umoja, and again if you can't fathom that then you ought ask why. Jesus is also your pain, because lets be honest being a Christian isn't all funny. In light of all this, I have come to believe that inasmuch as we think of Jesus being some person who is a prayer away from us, He is actually us, He is the wisdom we get in our different courses, He is all those faces we see around us. And if you can't see Him that way then you really need to question yourself which Jesus do you believe.

1 comment:

Deede said...

Honestly, I do think I can find Him in biology. All the intense intricate details that work to make us alive, all the crazy coincidences that are needed for a planet like this, what caused the Big Bang, etc. etc. I think it's best when we can see God in all we do- whether it's learning bio, pushing hard in sports, or even appreciating the fun/relaxation of weekends. Learning the details, appreciating your life, & also recognizing needs that He can help, allows me (at least) to see God in a lot.
I don't know if I'd say that we see Jesus in the insecure face in the mirror... I think I'd say more we see him when we are being/doing our best. He lived a sinless life, and I think I feel closer when I am succeeding. I think that Jesus/God/Holy Spirit is both separate ("a prayer away"), yet also within us... however contradictory it is. I don't believe that He is us, b/c we have to choose Him and accept Him as a separate entity from ourselves.

(gotta love the philosophical procrastination) :)